Hometown: Central Square, NY
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
Major(s): Business and Finance
Minor: Actuarial Mathematics
Why did you choose SUNY Poly? I chose SUNY Poly because it is a school that provides me with the opportunity to expand on technological advancements in the business and mathematics field to further my education beyond just book knowledge.
Why did you choose your major(s)? What do you like about your major(s)? I chose my majors because I’ve always been interested in the business and finance field. I’m especially intrigued by how our economy functions, changing every minute and its effect on businesses. More specifically, the data analytics and probabilities behind business and finance is what I like the most because that shows how things change every minute in our economy to what we know and can prove through data collection.
How would you describe your relationship with your professors? My relationships with professors are always great. I always make sure that my professors know and can understand who I am.
Is there an impactful academic experience during your time at SUNY Poly that stands out to you? In my freshman year I got a 4.0 GPA in my first semester. This stands out to me because it was such a strong first semester that provided me with academic security to know that I am able to achieve a perfect 4.0, and that I’ve already reached the limit.
Have you completed an internship or conducted student research? I completed an internship in Summer of 2023, where I worked with a company called BPAS dealing with IRA Retirement Plans & DC Retirement Plans (generally 401(k), 403(b), etc.). Throughout my time [there], I learned the processes behind distributions of money out of these retirement accounts as well as how to enroll people into funds for these retirement accounts. Also, by doing this I’ve learned how retirement accounts are beneficial for the new generation, and how to invest in them.
Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? I am currently enrolled with the Golf Club.
Are you a recipient of an academic or alumni scholarship from the SUNY Poly Alumni Association? I currently have a Merit Scholarship (3.0+ GPA Cumulative).
What has been your favorite class at SUNY Poly so far? My favorite class so far is a toss-up between Calculus I and Macroeconomics. Both are fantastic topics with challenging parts to each but Professor Osenbach (Mr. O!) & Professor Thistleton made their classes very enjoyable and fun to learn in.
Best experience (academic or campus life) at SUNY Poly so far? My favorite experience so far at SUNY Poly has been being able to support others. Whether it’s by going to an event of theirs or helping them academically. I love to help because I’ve always done that even throughout high school.
After you graduate, what will you miss most about your time here at SUNY Poly? I will miss being around all the people at SUNY Poly. The professors, students, and faculty all make this college fantastic through academics, extracurriculars, and events.